pp108 : multipleupload (FTP)

multipleupload (FTP)

This Web service operation is used to upload multiple files.

SOAP Request

<multipleUpload xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/ftpconnector/1.1">
        <path type="ascii">
        <path type="ascii">
Request Parameters




Name of the Configuration Profile that contains the FTP server details


Notification subject on which the user must subscribe to the Event service to obtain the status of the request


Files to be uploaded


Path of a file or a directory on the FTP server. The type attribute here specifies the type of files to upload (ascii or binary):

  • To specify the binary file type in the request, set the value as bin
  • To specify the ASCII file type in the request, set the value as ascii


Mode of transfer; ASCII or binary


Absolute path of the file to be uploaded


Target path to which the <source> file or directory is to be transferred


Provided if the response must be informed to the client. This can hold the following values:

  • true - The process will continue without any interruption and the FTP client will wait for the response.
  • false - The event handler will handle the response.

SOAP Response

    xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/ftpconnector/1.1" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <files xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/ftpconnector/1.1" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <path type="ascii">
            <status>Transfer complete.</status>
        <path type="ascii">
            <status>Transfer complete.</status>

The response message includes the files uploaded and the upload status. If the path provided in the request is a file path, the response contains the source, target, and status for that path. If the path provided in the request is a directory path, the response contains the path tags with the source, target, and the status of upload of all the files in that directory.

A similar message is sent to the Event Log Viewer on completion of upload with all the status messages.